In Defence of the Rock Dove

Columba Livia Domestica is its name, though it is known by many more - "feral pigeon," "city dove," "rat with wings," amongst others unkinder still.

  • For most of human history, people loved pigeons.
  • We created them this way
  • War service
  • Potential vs average lifespan
  • No difference between pigeons and doves
  • "Environmental damage"
  • Regulating insects & street cleaning, less for rats
  • Actually clean thank you
  • Intelligence & homing ""
  • Parental dedication
  • Affectionate and adorable
  • Amazing pets
  • Racing is abuse btw
  • How to be nicer to them


I love birds and I think more people should be kinder to them. I also believe that the information with which to do so should be more commonplace in the spaces it's actually relevant and likely to reach its audience. Vauiamo!
I am not affiliated with any of the sites nor organisations I have here linked.